Blog Social networking

Blog social networking can be used to speak out to large media companies to fix any mistakes that harms it's users. For example, the case of Amazon saying an error removed it's Gay and Lesbian book listings which caused thousands of  sellers to lose their sales rank and sales, harmed many book sellers' selling privilege on amazon. The publishers of the books used blogs to reach Amazon's attention, "In a blog post late Monday, Mr. Seymour wrote that Amazon’s statement was a start, but not sufficient. “It does not explain why writers, like myself, were told by Amazon reps that our books were being classified as ‘adult products.’ ” ( Of the many blog posts similar to this one, the author's were able to get a response from Amazon stating that it was a system glitch and will implement new measures to avoid accidents like this one. 

Another idea that blog social networking can be used is when you are looking for a job, you can post blogs with keywords that recruiters are looking for. The article Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting states "Crawford-Hentz says it's important to load your profile with the right keywords so people can find you the way she found LaSpina..."You could put something like: 'Always looking for interesting story ideas on the following topics,' " ( Blog social Networking can be used to make yourself more visible to recruiters when you are in the process of job hunting or are looking for better opportunities. Posting blogs with specific keywords can make your social media account like LinkedIn more visible, which allows you to be open to more job opportunities.

On the other hand, blogs can be used for false statements and to exploit companies' bad security, "One hacker even tried to take credit for the incident, writing on his blog that he had taken advantage of bugs in Amazon’s Web site to trick people into flagging gay-themed books as inappropriate." ( In the Amazon error removing listings incident, a hacker blogged that he was able to take advantage of Amazon's security vulnerability in the form of bugs, and flag gay themed books as inappropriate, which shows that his malicious action was able to break through Amazon's security and cause harm to Amazon's sellers. This could have been a false blog post, to defame Amazon's security features.

In the future I believe these technologies will evolve to spread with more security, to get rid of the harms of fake news and malicious activity. This way social networking can be a safer place to spread information and to depend on as a source for business and the spread of media.


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