Blog v Wiki

Both blogs and wikis are used to share information to an audience via the internet. This information can include videos, articles, and images. A blog is a bit more personal, since the blog creator is the one who gets to post information and other users can only comment on a blog. A blog creator can create his/her blog with their own preference in regards, to design, accessibility, and content. Specifically, bloggers link to other blog posts, documents, and articles, in a reverse chronological format. Blogs can be used for collaboration by sharing each other's points of views through the blogger and guest blogger who writes a comment. This also allows for the blogger to go through the commentator's blog and write comments, thus creating a collaborative connection.

Whereas a Wiki, is more of a collaborative platform, since multiple users can add, edit, and change content. For example, "Wikis, by contrast, are collaborative only in retrospect someone has to be prepared to be the first to write something, and deal with having those words changed by a complete stranger." (An Internal Wiki That’s Not Classified by Noam Cohen. The New York Times, August 4, 2008). In a sense, one's original idea/post in a wiki can be either modified with the collaboration of others, or completely changed when replaced by another wiki collaborator's idea. As stated "A wiki is not a carefully crafted site created by experts and professional writers, and designed for casual visitors. Instead, it seeks to involve the typical visitor/user in an ongoing process of creation and collaboration that constantly changes the website landscape." (Wikipedia on Wikis: Therefore, wiki's are not as factual and credible because casual visitors are able to collaborate to the wiki, which is why wikipedia is not a reliable source for information.

Convergence is important in today's networked world especially with the advancements in technology, which allows for individuals to work independently and forget about each other. Instead using technology in the forms of online blogs and wikis creates uniformity with one another. I think a new way wikis can be used is for scientists to share similar information with other scientists, based on their research and findings.


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