Blog: Next New

A type of new media can be social media for autistic people. It can be a platform for people that are autistic to connect and share their thoughts and experiences with each other. The idea of social media for autistic people is a type of media that centralizes on communication with others that have been diagnosed with the same disorder. This allows them to make friends that have things in common such as relatable circumstances in school, work, and home.


  1. This is a really good idea! I believe that a platform that allows people with similar disorders to connect can potentially help those people a lot. It can be tough for people who are autistic to interact with other's, so having a space where they are able to easily interact with others who are autistic as well, can allow them to share experiences and create new friendships.

  2. This is a great idea! Social media platforms right now are definitely prone to having certain elements that may trigger some with autism. A platform designed purely for them could help them collaborate and reach out to others that are affected in the same way and better their communication skills.


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